Recommended Books

Here I have listed all the recommended books that I have read.


Book recommendations coming in the future.

Make Money Online

Book recommendations coming in the future.

Money Management

The Total Money Makeover

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With The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition you will learn to:

  • Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt–from your cars to your home and everything in between using the debt snowball method
  • Break bad habits and make lasting changes when it comes to your relationship with money
  • Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths
  • Secure a healthy nest egg for emergencies and set yourself up for retirement
  • Become financially healthy for life
  • Live like no one else, so later you can LIVE (and GIVE) like no one else!


Limitless Expanded Edition

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With Limitless Expanded Edition you will learn to:

  • FLIP YOUR MINDSET – Identify and challenge the assumptions, habits, and procrastinations that limit you and expand the boundaries of what you believe is possible.
  • IGNITE YOUR MOTIVATION – Uncovering what motivates you is the key that opens up limitless mental capacity. When you unleash your passions, purposes, and sources of energy, you stay focused and clear on your goals.
  • MASTER THE METHODS – Accelerate learning, improve memory, and enhance brain performance. Jim Kwik applies the latest neuroscience for accelerated learning so you can finish a book 3x faster through speed reading (and remember it), learn a new language in record time, and master new skills with ease.
  • BUILD MOMENTUM – Unstoppable momentum is the product of mindset, motivation, and methods. Jim offers new insights and tools to unlock the first 3 M’s so you can become truly limitless.

Also with this new edition there’s four new chapters:

  • How to harness A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) to boost H.I. (Human Intelligence)
  • The latest breakthroughs in nootropics and nutrition to enhance cognitive performance
  • Limitless at Work–tools to adapt and thrive, whether you’re fully remote, embracing the hybrid model, or resuming the traditional office setting
  • A self-assessment to crack your “brain animal” code